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Follow the online enrollment link found on our client account website. If you don’t currently have online access to your accounts, please ask your financial advisor to help you sign up today. Once you’ve completed the online enrollment process, you can begin setting up your payees immediately and begin paying bills online.

To assist you in completing the online enrollment, you will need your bill pay/direct deposit account number and routing number. If you have an Investment Access® Account, both of these numbers are on the bottom of your checks or can be provided by your financial advisor.

Activity Reports

Your bill pay transactions will appear online via your client account website and on your monthly account statement.

Other Ways to Consolidate Your Finances

We offer a full range of cash services to simplify your finances:

  • Manage your expenses and investments in one place
  • Sign up to receive deposits (e.g. payroll) directly into your account via ACH
  • Access your funds easily via checks, ATM or cash advances
  • Earn a competitive rate of interest on your uninvested cash